Data Science Salary: 6 figure job of the future

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Picture this:

Boom, you do a data science bootcamp.

Make some friends that are also pursuing the career change.

And in 12 weeks, you get a direct deposit for $124,247.


Hate to burst your bubble.. but this likely isn’t true.

Also, tech is changing FAST!

The average time it takes to get a job is increasing!

Some current experts recommend 4-5 months of learning the skills and building personal portfolio.

And up to 6 months of being in the job search process!!

That’s like a whole year of being persistent on a new skill.

Not to mention technical roles do evolve and change fast, so you’ll likely be constantly learning.

I’m not here to be a pessimist, but Data Science is definitely a indemand job that is definitely worth while to pursue.

According to Coursera, “Data scientist jobs are predicted to experience 36 percent growth between 2021 and 2031”

That’s a lot of growth!

So hey, if you’re committed and wanted to go into a highly lucrative, and demand career.

Check out these 5 free Data Science sources to help you with your journey!

Intro to Data Science - Crash Course for Beginners (

Intro to Data Science - Data Science Hands-On Crash Course (

Coursera - A Crash Course in Data Science

DataCamp - Learn Data Science and AI Online

Complete Machine Learning & Data Science Program

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